1975 Strangers

Created by Andy 4 years ago

Bengeo, Hertford, Farquhar st. Hullo :"Thomek"; "oh  pleased to meet you (handshake).  Andy"...erm guess we're sharing this attic room then? ...High Wycombe...Somerset.  Silence...."wats that?"   ...."jar of pickled onions" ( deadpan)...and that? "record player" and? "  Astrud: the Shadow of Your Smile"..."Oh!"....."Marsupilami"... "What!?" "Stan Getz"  "Who?"......and off we go on the great journey


Later that evening after Lea and Perrins all over the landlady's Sheperds Pie:  "is their a pub in Herftord please?"  White Hart by the Bridge, pool table, juke box.  "Tom seems such a nice young man, polite, well mannered...." ( that other one leaves wet towels on the bed though).

Even later in the dark, "Andee!!" " can't find the key" Crash....chaos etc....

Lights on; Landlady:"wat is going on here?!"...." and what  is that over your shoulder ?!...."

"Oh erm, that's only Tom. ( fireman's lift up the attic stairs)....we lost the key".....Landlady turns lights off.Disgruntled grunt.

Even, even later :  Both collapsed on little beds in the attic: Tom's voice " pass the pickled onions mate and get Stan on the record player ...belch....LOUDER!! "

"What?!!"  " Andee, shall I tell you about Amphetamine Arthur.....?!"  "Who?"......Loud snoring    xxxxx  First Night!!..... It would take more than a book to carry on, believe me!! Love and Peace. ( Love, Luck and Laughter!) 
